2021SS Seoul Fashion Week X I Live Alone 100 Challenges

Original post from MBC Naver TV: https://m.tv.naver.com/v/16293662

Rainbow Club was given a challenge for a fashion show

1. [+79/-3] The quality seems to change when Hyejin and Youngkwang comes out ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Kyung Soojin walking.....wow.... Powerwalking so that hair is flying like Han Hye-jin. It's really cool and Wooyoung...I'll believe it even if you say you're a real model.

2. [+74/-2] Really, Han Hyejin and Kim Youngkwang are different... Really not joke... And I think Kyung Soojin and Wooyoung are really good.

3. [+66/-11] Regret that it was edited too short. I want to see the full version. Among non-models, Jang Doyeon and Wooyoung were very cool. It was surprising that Son Dambi continued to laugh and shake her body, and her attitude was poor.
-> [+2/-0] I don’t like Son Dambi too

4. [+52/-1] Kian 84 I wasn't expecting the most, but it's amazing.. the clothes is fit perfectly and natural

5. [+50/-10] Kian 84 walking is good. If you lose weight, your aura will like a model.

6. [+47/-1] Kyung Soojin is surprising~~Her walking is so cool

7. [+45/-7] Park Na-rae is great. She is short, but her force is great. Her expression is expressionless.. Full of confidence. Everyone is cool..

8. [+43/-1] It was impressive to see that the Seoul Fashion Week that I could not hold due to the coronavirus was held online by the I Live Alone Team to save the fashion world, and I felt that each other is working in accordance with the current trend in their respective fields.

2021SS Seoul Fashion Week X I Live Alone 100 Challenges

Rainbow Club diberi tantangan untuk fashion show

1. [+79/-3] Kualitas sepertinya berubah ketika Hyejin dan Youngkwang keluar ㅎㅎㅎㅎ jalannya Kyung Soojin ..... wow .... Powerwalking sehingga rambut terbang seperti Han Hye-jin. Ini sangat keren dan Wooyoung ... Aku akan percaya bahkan jika kamu mengatakan kamu adalah model sungguhan.

2. [+74/-2] Sungguh, Han Hyejin dan Kim Youngkwang berbeda ... Benar-benar bukan lelucon ... Dan menurutku Kyung Soojin dan Wooyoung sangat bagus.

3. [+66/-11] Sayang video telah diedit terlalu pendek. Aku ingin melihat versi lengkapnya. Di antara non-model, Jang Doyeon dan Wooyoung sangat keren. Mengejutkan bahwa Son Dambi terus tertawa dan mengguncang tubuhnya, dan sikapnya buruk.
-> [+2/-0] Aku juga tidak suka Son Dambi

4. [+52/-1] Kian 84, aku tidak terlalu berharap, tapi luar biasa .. pakaiannya pas dan natural

5. [+50/-10] Kian 84 berjalan baik. Jika kamu menurunkan berat badan, auramu akan seperti seorang model.

6. [+47/-1] Kyung Soojin mengejutkan ~~ Cara berjalannya sangat keren

7. [+ 45/-7] Park Na-rae sangat bagus. Dia pendek, tapi kekuatannya hebat. Ekspresinya tanpa ekspresi .. Penuh percaya diri. Semua orang keren ..

8. [+43/-1] Sangat mengesankan melihat Seoul Fashion Week yang tidak bisa diselenggarakan karena virus corona diadakan secara online oleh I Live Alone Team untuk menyelamatkan dunia fashion, dan aku merasa bahwa mereka satu sama lain bekerja sesuai dengan trend saat ini di bidangnya masing-masing.

너무 너무 좋아요


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