aespa MR removed, I think they are good???

Original post from:


1. [+136/-34] In the video of "live on the way home from work" they are good, but on stage they're use AR

2. [+52/-10] Not live. It was recorded by putting a separate breath for the stage. When the SM kids' music broadcasts, they recorded a live version separately when they dance.

3. [+13/-10] They're good at it, just admit it

4. [+11/-2] and aren't these different dates? Both of them are not different, and the live is the same. Especially, the last part is the same as the Winter and Ning Ning trebles.

5. [+11/-0] These days, all talented idols have live AR, but it's not live.. Especially in Music Bank, if it's live, the voice can't come out like that.

6. [+9/-3] It seems that these fans don't even know what live is..

7. [+7/-0] I knew it wasn't live just by looking at the stage

8. [+5/-4] It's impossible not to shake that much while moving. Besides, it is not a hand microphone, so it is difficult to get the sound in such a clear way.The MR removal itself is honestly 100% unbelievable.

MR Removed aespa, aku rasa mereka bagus???


1. [+136/-34] Dalam video "live on the way home from work" mereka bagus, tapi di panggung mereka menggunakan AR

2. [+52/-10] Tidak live. Itu direkam dengan sengaja menghembuskan napas untuk di atas panggung. Saat musik anak-anak SM disiarkan, mereka merekam versi live secara terpisah saat mereka menari.

3. [+13/-10] Mereka pandai, akui saja

4. [+11/-2] dan bukankah tanggalnya berbeda? Namun keduanya tidak berbeda, dan live-nya sama. Terutama, bagian terakhir Winter dan Ning Ning.

5. [+11/-0] Akhir-akhir ini semua idol berbakat punya AR live, tapi mereka tidak live .. Apalagi di Music Bank, kalau live suaranya tidak bisa keluar seperti itu.

6. [+9/-3] Tampaknya para penggemar ini bahkan tidak tahu apa itu live ..

7. [+7/-0] Aku tahu itu bukan live hanya dengan melihat panggungnya

8. [+5/-4] Tidak mungkin untuk tidak terlalu banyak bergoyang suaranya saat bergerak. Selain itu, ini bukan mikrofon tangan, jadi sulit untuk mendapatkan suara yang begitu jelas. MR removed sendiri sejujurnya 100% sulit dipercaya.

너무 너무 좋아요


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