[Pre-release] 'Jo Byeonggyu', a master of imitating people's voices that surpasses Kim Heechul.

Original post from JTBC Naver TV: https://m.tv.naver.com/v/16928888

1. [+126/-16] It was great, but unexpectedly the response was cold ㅋㅋ like when he brought up Yoo Jaeseok ㅋㅋ

2. [+101/-14] They're working hard, but they look confused. The actors aren't preparing anything and they don't have a sense of entertainment. Well, there are a lot of people who have only come to promote themselves.

3. [+60/-19] As soon as Kim Kangwoo came out, he looked very handsome

4. [+57/-77] Whatever he does, it seems to be unfavorable...

5. [+54/-16] He is good at variety shows!!!!! Jo Byeonggyu fighting!!!!!

6. [+34/-18] Not really, I don't know where his greatness is

7. [+27/-7] It's a little stiff

8. [+27/-47] Dislike

[Pra-rilis] 'Jo Byeonggyu', seorang master yang pandai meniru suara orang hingga melampaui Kim Heechul.

1. [+126/-16] Itu bagus, tapi ternyata responnya dingin ㅋㅋ Seperti saat dia mengungkit Yoo Jae-seok di depan ㅋㅋ

2. [+101/-14] Mereka bekerja keras, tapi mereka terlihat bingung. Para aktor tidak mempersiapkan apa pun dan mereka tidak memiliki selera hiburan. Namun, banyak sekali orang yang datang hanya untuk mempromosikan diri sendiri.

3. [+60/-19] Begitu Kim Kangwoo keluar, dia terlihat sangat tampan

4. [+57/-77] Apapun yang dia lakukan, sepertinya tidak menarik/menyenangkan...

5. [+54/-16] Dia pandai di variety show!!!!! Semangat Jo Byeonggyu!!!!!

6. [+34/-18] Tidak juga, aku tidak tahu di mana kehebatannya

7. [+27/-7] Sedikit kaku

8. [+27/-47] Tidak suka

너무 너무 좋아요


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