"Leave Amazing Saturday" Nucksal was in serious case

Original post from: https://theqoo.net/index.php?mid=hot&page=3&document_srl=1760061332

Lilboy, who debuted as the hip-hop group Geeks in 2011, released 'Officially Missing You' in July of that year. After that, director and rappers VMC Deepflow released a song that dissed Lilboy's rap style on 'Singing Lab'. As a result, Lilboy suffered from extreme depression, and he confessed this fact on 'Show Me the Money 9'.

In this regard, netizens are leaving critical comments against Nucksal, who is also from agency Deepflow. Netizens said, "Even though Geeks aren't hip-hop, but Nucksal now is an entertainer. Isn't that right?", "Reflect on and leave Amazing Saturday ~~" "Wow, I'm really disappointed ..." "Please live honestly. , "

As the controversy resurfaced, VMC announced on the 17th, "Currently, malicious fake posts, comments, and defamation of our artists are posted without looking at the facts and distributed on various social media and online communities."

He then emphasized, "We are gathering all the posts and comments posted so far as evidence, and we are preparing a legal response to the action."


1. Get out of the show. After all, there are already Hanhae, Key, and Taeyeon, so there are enough members

2. But what's the difference with those of you who directly attacked Nucksal on his Instagram DM... It's not that Nucksal didn't do anything wrong. But Lilboy asks you not to blame other people for the reason, but I just saw the fact that you guys rushed to Nucksal's personal Instagram and attacked him with bad comments.

3. The reporters were a little exaggerated saying that he should drop out of the show, I honestly think he will still not quit the show.

4. I'm disappointed Nucksal, I thought you were a good person

5. The reason he mocked the others was because of his hip-hop pride. Then now that he's appearing on variety shows and laughing like nothing's wrong, I don't want to see him on variety shows anymore

"Keluar dari Amazing Saturday" Nucksal mengalami masalah serius

Lilboy, yang memulai debutnya sebagai grup hip-hop Geeks pada tahun 2011, merilis 'Officially Missing You' pada bulan Juli tahun itu. Setelah itu, sutradara dan rapper VMC Deepflow merilis lagu yang menyindir gaya rap Lilboy di 'Singing Lab'. Akibatnya, Lilboy menderita depresi ekstrem, dan dia mengakui fakta ini di 'Show Me the Money 9'.

Dalam hal ini, netizen meninggalkan komentar kritik terhadap Nucksal, yang juga dari agensi Deepflow. Netizen berkata, "Meskipun Geeks bukan hip-hop, tapi Nucksal sekarang adalah seorang entertainer. Bukankah begitu?", "Renungkan dan tinggalkan Amazing Saturday ~~" "Wow, aku benar-benar kecewa ... "" Harap hidup dengan jujur. "

Saat kontroversi muncul kembali, VMC mengumumkan pada tanggal 17, "Saat ini, posting, komentar, dan fitnah palsu yang berbahaya diposting tanpa melihat fakta dan didistribusikan di berbagai media sosial dan komunitas online."

Dia kemudian menekankan, "Kami mengumpulkan semua postingan dan komentar yang diposting sejauh ini sebagai bukti, dan kami sedang mempersiapkan tanggapan hukum atas tindakan tersebut."


1. Keluar dari acara itu. Lagipula, sudah ada Hanhae, Key, dan Taeyeon, jadi anggotanya sudah cukup

2. Tapi apa bedanya dengan kalian yang langsung menyerang Nucksal di DM Instagram-nya ... Bukannya Nucksal tidak berbuat salah. Tapi Lilboy meminta kalian untuk tidak menyalahkan orang lain atas alasan tersebut, tetapi aku baru saja melihat fakta bahwa kalian bergegas ke Instagram pribadi Nucksal dan menyerangnya dengan komentar buruk.

3. Para reporter sedikit berlebihan mengatakan bahwa dia harus keluar dari acaranya, sejujurnya aku pikir dia masih tidak akan berhenti dari acara itu.

4. Aku kecewa Nucksal, Aku pikir kamu orang baik

5. Alasan dia mengejek yang lain adalah karena harga diri hip-hopnya. Kemudian sekarang dia muncul di variety show dan tertawa seperti tidak ada yang salah, aku tidak ingin melihatnya lagi di variety show

너무 너무 좋아요


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