'True Beauty' Production Presentation (Press Conference)

Original post from: https://m.pann.nate.com/talk/355856506

The production presentation of the webtoon drama <True Beauty> was held online on the 2nd.

Actors Moon Gayoung, Cha Eunwoo, Hwang Inyeop, Park Yoona, and PD Kim Sanghyup attended this event.

<True Beauty> has an appearance complex

'Jukyung' who became a goddess through 'makeup' and 'Sooho', who hides his inner scars, meet.

A romantic comedy that restores self-esteem by sharing secrets with each other.

After directing 'Extraordinary You', and the result was a huge success, PD Kim Sanghyup directed the drama 'True Beauty'

Moon Gayoung played the role of 'Lim Jukyung', the makeover goddess.

<True Beauty> is a high school girl 'Lim Ju-kyung', it's a drama about what happens in the center, and the role of Moon Gayoung is the most important. So Moon Gayoung has to do skin makeup, etc.

“Initially, I made several attempts with the director to determine the size of the makeup. I tried and finally found the one that worked best for me. I do it a lot, so my time for makeup is getting shorter. " Moon Gayoung said.

Cha Eunwoo played the role of 'Lee Sooho', a cold-looking man with selfish genes.

Cha Eunwoo, who was ranked first in the synchro rate with the original character before the drama production, “It is a lie to say that Suho was so cool that there was no burden. Webtoons are 2D and dramas are 3D. I think there will be a part that can be expressed and delivered in a drama rather than a webtoon.”

Cha Eunwoo was determined to work on the work. “There is pain in Suho's life. The director and the writer advised me to think about it for 30 minutes before going to bed. I practiced that part,” he said, raising expectations for the appearance of Suho that he will draw.

Hwang In-yeop played the role of 'Han Seojun', a wild horse with perfect physicality.

Hwang In-yeop said, "I liked webtoons, and I'm still enjoy it."

Park Yoona performs as the original Saebom goddess, Kang Soojin.

Kang Soojin in the webtoon is a person who establishes a confrontation with Lim Jukyung, In the drama, it became a completely different appearance.

Park Yoona said, "The character Kang Soojin has changed to a character different from the webtoon. So I'd appreciate it if you watched it."

The first episode aired after the drama 'Tile of the nine Tailed' ended on the 9th

Konferensi pers drama 'True Beauty'

Konferensi pers drama webtoon <True Beauty> diadakan secara online pada tanggal 2.

Aktor Moon Gayoung, Cha Eunwoo, Hwang Inyeop, Park Yoona, dan PD Kim Sanghyup menghadiri acara ini.

<True Beauty> memiliki penampilan yang kompleks 'Jukyung' yang menjadi dewi melalui 'makeup' dan 'Sooho', yang menyembunyikan luka batinnya, bertemu.

Komedi romantis yang memulihkan harga diri dengan berbagi rahasia satu sama lain.

Setelah menyutradarai 'Extraordinary You', dan hasilnya sukses besar, PD Kim Sanghyup menyutradarai drama 'True Beauty'.

Moon Gayoung memainkan peran 'Lim Jukyung', dewi makeover.

<True Beauty> adalah seorang gadis sekolah menengah 'Lim Ju-kyung', ini adalah drama tentang apa yang terjadi di kalangan sekitar, dan peran Moon Gayoung adalah yang paling penting.

Jadi Moon Gayoung harus melakukan riasan kulit, dll. “Awalnya, saya mencoba beberapa kali dengan sutradara untuk menentukan ukuran dan jenis riasan. Saya mencoba dan akhirnya menemukan yang paling cocok untuk saya. Aku sering melakukannya, jadi waktuku untuk makeup semakin pendek." Kata Moon Gayoung.

Cha Eunwoo memainkan peran 'Lee Sooho', seorang pria berwajah dingin dengan gen egois. Cha Eunwoo, yang menempati peringkat pertama dalam tingkat sinkronisasi dengan karakter asli sebelum produksi drama, “Bohong jika mengatakan bahwa Suho sangat keren sehingga tidak ada beban. Webtoons adalah 2D dan drama 3D. Saya pikir akan ada bagian yang bisa diekspresikan dan disampaikan dalam sebuah drama daripada webtoon."

Cha Eunwoo bertekad untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan ini. “Ada penderitaan dalam hidup Suho. Sutradara dan penulis menasihati saya untuk memikirkannya selama 30 menit sebelum tidur. Bagian itu saya latih,”ucapnya, meningkatkan ekspektasi atas penampilan Suho yang akan ia lakoni.

Hwang In-yeop memainkan peran 'Han Seojun', seorang pria liar dengan fisik yang sempurna.

Hwang In-yeop berkata, "Aku suka webtoon, dan aku masih menikmatinya."

Park Yoona berperan sebagai dewi Saebom asli, Kang Soojin. Kang Soojin di webtoon adalah orang yang membuat konfrontasi dengan Lim Jukyung, Dalam drama, penampilannya menjadi sangat berbeda. Park Yoona berkata, "Karakter Kang Soojin telah berubah menjadi karakter yang berbeda dari webtoon. Jadi aku akan menghargai jika kamu menontonnya."

Episode pertama ditayangkan setelah drama 'Tile of the Nine Tailed' berakhir pada tanggal 9

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