Can Yoo Jimin's beauty be the top in the 4th generation?

Original post from:

Her vibe is a bit like Jang Wonyoung's, but she looks more sharp and classy


1. [+191/-41] Why is Jang Wonyoung always being dragged? Jang Wonyoung was very pretty since elementary school

It's photo of Yoo Jimin

2. [+173/-48] What's the top one? ㅋ Even middle rank she can't

3. [+88/-50] Girls in Pann always say Karina's personality is bad, but do you have the right to say that?

4. [+78/-5] But to be honest when it comes to SM's visuals, the first one that comes to mind is Yoona, Sulli, and Irene, they are legends ㅋㅋ Compared to her seniors, she's very different and exaggerated

5. [+72/-10] From the start she was eliminated because of her personality

6. [+66/-8] They said she was pretty, so they tried hard to exaggerate...

7. [+37/-5] Photo of Jang Wonyoung when she was elementary school

8. [+26/-46] So pretty

Bisakah kecantikan Yoo Jimin menjadi yang teratas di generasi ke-4?

Auranya agak mirip dengan Jang Wonyoung, tapi dia terlihat lebih tajam dan berkelas


1. [+191/-41] Kenapa Jang Wonyoung selalu diseret? Jang Wonyoung sangat cantik sejak sekolah dasar

Ini foto Yoo Jimin

2. [+173/-48] Apanya yang teratas? ㅋ Bahkan peringkat menengah pun dia tidak bisa

3. [+88/-50] Cewek di Pann selalu bilang kepribadian Karina itu buruk, tapi apakah kamu berhak mengatakan itu?

4. [+78/-5] Tapi jujur, jika membahas tentang visual SM, yang pertama terlintas di pikiran adalah Yoona, Sulli, dan Irene, mereka adalah legend ㅋㅋ Dibandingkan dengan seniornya, dia sangat berbeda dan berlebihan

5. [+72/-10] Sejak awal dia sudah tersingkir karena kepribadiannya

6. [+66/-8] Mereka bilang dia cantik, jadi mereka berusaha keras untuk melebih-lebihkan...

7. [+37/-5] Foto Jang Wonyoung saat dia masih SD

8. [+26/-46] Sangat cantik

너무 너무 좋아요


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