Chungha has tested positive for COVID-19, she has gone into self-quarantine [Official]

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[Sports Chosun reporter Jo Yoonseon] Singer Chungha was confirmed that has tested positive for COVID-19 this morning

Chungha's agency MNH Entertainment announced on the 7th through an official fan cafe, "Our artist, Chungha, has been tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, we received a final confirmation decision."

The agency said, "We stopped all the activities and went into self-quarantine immediately, and we are taking necessary measures according to the guidelines of the quarantine authorities." We have or will proceed, and we will follow up on this as soon as it is confirmed.

He added, "We will actively cooperate with the government's policy to conduct an overall inspection to ensure that there is no risk of quarantine and additional infections throughout the company, and to make more thorough management of the entire artist."

On the 10th, Chungha was scheduled to release her first full-length album 'QUERENCIA' and enter into full-scale activities. However, as Chungha was diagnosed with COVID- 19, the possibility of the comeback being postponed increased.

> This is the official statement of Chungha's agency, MNH Entertainment.

This is MNH Entertainment.

Chungha, an artist belonging to our company, has been tested positive for COVID-19. Chungha recognized the fact that she had recently contacted the confirmed person, and was tested voluntarily.

She stopped all activities and went into self-quarantine immediately, and is taking necessary measures according to the guidelines of the quarantine authorities.

Artists, staff, and staff members who have overlapped or had contact with the current flow have or will be conducting an inspection together.

As soon as it is confirmed, we will follow up on this. The company actively cooperates with the government's policy to conduct an overall inspection to ensure that there is no risk of quarantine and further infection throughout the company. We will do more to manage the entire artist.

Chungha dinyatakan positif COVID-19, dia menjalani karantina mandiri [Resmi]

[Reporter Sports Chosun Jo Yoonseon] Penyanyi Chungha dipastikan positif mengidap COVID-19 pagi ini

Agensi Chungha, MNH Entertainment, mengumumkan pada tanggal 7 melalui fan cafe resmi, "Artis kami, Chungha, telah dites positif COVID-19. Sebagai hasilnya, kami menerima keputusan konfirmasi akhir."

Agensi tersebut mengatakan, "Kami menghentikan semua aktivitas dan segera melakukan karantina mandiri, dan kami mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan sesuai dengan pedoman otoritas karantina." Kami telah atau akan melanjutkan, dan kami akan menindaklanjutinya segera setelah dikonfirmasi.

Dia menambahkan, "Kami akan secara aktif bekerja sama dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk melakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh untuk memastikan tidak ada risiko karantina dan infeksi tambahan di seluruh perusahaan, dan untuk membuat manajemen yang lebih menyeluruh dari seluruh artis."

Pada tanggal 10, Chungha dijadwalkan untuk merilis album penuh pertamanya 'QUERENCIA' dan melakukan aktivitas skala penuh. Namun, karena Chungha didiagnosis dengan COVID-19, kemungkinan comeback ditunda meningkat.

> Ini adalah pernyataan resmi dari agensi Chungha, MNH Entertainment.

Ini MNH Entertainment.

Chungha, seorang artis milik perusahaan kami, telah dites positif COVID-19. Chungha mengetahui fakta bahwa dia baru saja berhubungan dengan orang yang dikonfirmasi positif COVID-19, dan segera dites secara sukarela.

Dia menghentikan semua aktivitas dan segera melakukan karantina mandiri, dan mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan sesuai dengan pedoman otoritas karantina.

Artis, staf, dan anggota staf yang tumpang tindih atau memiliki kontak dengannya saat ini telah atau akan melakukan inspeksi bersama.

Segera setelah dikonfirmasi, kami akan menindaklanjutinya. Perusahaan secara aktif bekerja sama dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk melakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh untuk memastikan tidak ada risiko karantina dan infeksi lebih lanjut di seluruh perusahaan. Kami akan melakukan lebih banyak untuk mengelola seluruh artis.

너무 너무 좋아요


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