Fromis_9, Christmas surprise gift... Cover video of 'Santa Tell Me' released
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[Xports reporter Kim Yena] Fromis_9 releases a special video for fans on Christmas day.
Fromis_9 posted the cover video of Ariana Grande's 'Santa Tell Me' via their official social media, YouTube on the 24th afternoon.
In the released video, Fromis_9 members sing “Santa Tell Me” with a warm atmosphere in a room decorated with Christmas trees and other Christmas decorations.

Fromis_9 wowed the audience with the unique visual charm of the members' superior costumes, warm lighting, and props that make you feel the Christmas atmosphere.
Moreover, Fromis_9 enhanced the Christmas atmosphere by singing 'Santa Tell Me' in various tones of nine members each, giving off a different charm from the original song.
On the other hand, Fromis_9 made a comeback with his third mini album 'My Little Society' in September and managed to write records such as #1 on overseas iTunes album charts, Oricon top ranking, and others. After that, they appeared on several variety shows and communicated with fans through various contents. / Photo = Off Record
Fromis_9, hadiah kejutan Natal... Video cover 'Santa Tell Me' dirilis
[Reporter Xports Kim Yena] Fromis_9 merilis video khusus untuk para penggemar di hari Natal.
Fromis_9 memposting video cover Ariana Grande 'Santa Tell Me' melalui media sosial resmi mereka, YouTube pada sore hari tanggal 24 kemarin.
Dalam video yang dirilis, anggota Fromis_9 menyanyikan “Santa Tell Me” dengan suasana hangat di ruangan yang dihias dengan pohon natal dan dekorasi natal lainnya.
Fromis_9 memukau penonton dengan pesona visual unik dari kostum superior para anggota, pencahayaan yang hangat, dan properti yang membuat kalian bisa merasakan suasana Natal.
Selain itu, Fromis_9 mempercantik suasana Natal dengan menyanyikan 'Santa Tell Me' dalam berbagai nada sembilan anggota masing-masing, memberikan pesona yang berbeda dari lagu aslinya.
Di sisi lain, Fromis_9 melakukan comeback dengan mini album ketiganya 'My Little Society' pada bulan September dan berhasil menulis rekor seperti #1 di chart album iTunes di luar negeri, peringkat teratas Oricon, dan lainnya. Setelah itu, mereka tampil di beberapa variety show dan berkomunikasi dengan penggemar melalui berbagai konten. / Foto = Off Record
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