Ha Eunbyeol of 'Penthouse' really can't act

Original post from: https://m.pann.nate.com/talk/356160094

I prefer Bae Rona who appears frequently


1. [+328/-40] Why?? I felt like she was really like a kid with mental illness, so there was no problem ㅎㅎ
-> [+33/-1] If only her teeth weren't very obvious when the emotional scene escalated, because her teeth were always visible ㅠ
-> [+15/-1] I also think her acting is good, she really looks like a psychopath...

2. [+290/-22] If you think about the character, it doesn't seem like a problem... Doesn't seem very emotional and looks very insecure

3. [+226/-9] She's good at acting, but it would be better if Jin Jihee played the role. Jenny's role was too small for Jin Jihee's acting skills
-> [+26/-0] But if you see the face of the mother role ╋ with the face of the child's role, Jenny is the daughter of Shim Eungyeong.
-> [+4/-2] Not at all... I'm not sure if Jin Jihee is good at acting in the Penthouse.

4. [+157/-40] When acting singing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's funny when she opens her mouth ㅋㅋ Looks like a comic... she will be remembered for her bad acting
-> [+47/-1] She put on a good singing acting performance although I could feel that the acting of the other scenes was bad. She's really good at expressing, not lifting her chin up too much on high notes, expressing with her forehead and eyebrows, and opening her mouth and nostrils bigger… I think she did a lot of research. According to comments on Youtube, classical songs are not familiar to public, so it's burdensome
-> [+44/-1] I also sing classical, and when I sing, I also open my eyes, nose and mouth. I was really surprised because I looked ugly while practicing

5. [+136/-2] To be honest, I felt like she was using her facial muscles too much because she felt like her emotions would be best conveyed if she did.

Ha Eunbyeol di drama 'Penthouse' benar-benar tidak bisa akting

Aku lebih suka Bae Rona yang sering muncul


1. [+328/-40] Kenapa?? Aku rasa dia benar-benar seperti anak dengan penyakit mental, jadi tidak ada masalah ㅎㅎ
-> [+33/-1] Andai saja giginya tidak terlihat terlalu jelas saat adegan emosional meningkat, karena giginya selalu terlihat jelas ㅠ
-> [+15/-1] Aku juga berpikir aktingnya bagus, dia benar-benar terlihat seperti psikopat ...

2. [+290/-22] Jika kalian memikirkan tentang karakternya, sepertinya itu bukan masalah ... Tidak terlihat sangat emosional dan terlihat sangat tidak percaya diri

3. [+226/-9] Dia pandai berakting, tapi akan lebih baik jika Jin Jihee memainkan peran itu. Peran Jenny terlalu kecil untuk kemampuan akting Jin Jihee
-> [+26/-0] Tapi jika kalian melihat wajah peran ibu ╋ dengan wajah peran anak, Jenny adalah putri Shim Eungyeong.
-> [+4/-2] Sama sekali tidak ... Aku tidak yakin apakah Jin Jihee pandai berakting di Penthouse.

4. [+157/-40] Saat akting bernyanyi ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Lucu saat dia membuka mulut ㅋㅋ Seperti di komik ... dia akan dikenang karena aktingnya yang buruk
-> [+47/-1] Dia menunjukkan penampilan akting nyanyian yang bagus meskipun aku bisa merasakan bahwa akting di adegan lainnya buruk. Dia sangat pandai berekspresi, tidak terlalu mengangkat dagunya pada nada tinggi, berekspresi dengan dahi dan alis, dan membuka mulut dan lubang hidungnya lebih besar… Aku pikir dia melakukan banyak penelitian. Menurut komentar di Youtube, lagu klasik memang belum familiar di telinga masyarakat sehingga memberatkan
-> [+44/-1] Aku juga menyanyi klasik, dan ketika aku bernyanyi, aku juga membuka mata, hidung dan mulutku. Aku sangat terkejut karena aku terlihat jelek saat berlatih

5. [+136/-2] Sejujurnya, aku merasa dia menggunakan otot wajah terlalu banyak karena dia merasa emosinya akan tersampaikan dengan baik jika dia melakukannya.

너무 너무 좋아요


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