[Reply 1988] Choi Taek's dialogue that has an impact

Original post from: https://theqoo.net/index.php?mid=hot&document_srl=1781317321

You are in the palm of my hand. Is there something I don't know about you?

You don't know anything about me.

There is someone whom I like

And I'll confess, soon.


1. Choi Taek ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Someone who is always on my mind when winter comes, Choi Taek

2. This really makes hearts flutter.... Choi Taek..... You~~

3. His dialogue was great, but his acting was really good too

4. Really a winter boy

5. Wow, the dialogue is really good

6. Park Bogum's acting is very good

7. At that time, everyone in my family, just looking at his eyes, they said that he was good at acting

8. Choi Taek~~~~~ That scene's expression and tone are perfect

[Reply 1988] Dialog Choi Taek yang memiliki dampak

Kamu itu berada di telapak tanganku. Apakah ada sesuatu yang aku tidak tahu tentangmu?

Kamu tidak tahu apa-apa tentangku.

Ada seseorang yang aku suka

Dan aku akan segera mengakuinya.


1. Choi Taek ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Seseorang yang selalu ada di pikiranku ketika musim dingin tiba, Choi Taek

2. Ini benar-benar membuat hati berdebar-debar.... Choi Taek..... You~~

3. Dialognya bagus, tapi aktingnya juga sangat bagus

4. Benar-benar definisi anak laki-laki di musim dingin

5. Wah, dialognya bagus banget

6. Akting Park Bogum sangat bagus

7. Saat itu, semua orang di keluargaku, hanya melihat matanya, mereka mengatakan bahwa dia pandai berakting

8. Choi Taek~~~~~ Ekspresi dan nada saat adegan itu sempurna

너무 너무 좋아요


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