'Unbelievable' Song Jihyo, reborn as a sexy brain girl ♡

Original post from SBS Naver TV: https://m.tv.naver.com/v/17204883

Running Man members and guests who attended the latest episode were divided into 3 teams, the general knowledge team, the entertainment team, the music team, and at Yoo Jaesuk's suggestion, Song Jihyo was transferred to the general knowledge team from the music team.
Unexpectedly, Song Jihyo was able to answer the quiz in one try without looking at the book that had been provided, and that made everyone cheer for her.

1. [+373/-8] AwesomeπŸ‘πŸ»Cute Song Jihyo,,❤️
-> [+17/-3] Very cute
-> [+3/-0] Since it's Song Jihyo, I agree

2. [+311/-7] Song Jihyo did a great job today!!!! I am proud and happy. . . Looks like the old ace Jihyo came out again ♡♡♡

3. [+269/-7] Jihyo who likes to daydream is reborn into a sexy brain girl γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ Jihyo is so pretty

4. [+255/-6] Love it, Jihyo without a hat and when she answers the red tomato are very nice

5. [+201/-6] Jihyo feels happy and the other Running Man members think Jihyo is cute, that's very funny

6. [+197/-6] Sexy brain girl Jihyo is so cute γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

7. [+178/-7] Jihyo looks really pretty lately... Moreover she looks smart so she looks even more pretty...

8. [+166/-6] These days Jihyo doesn't wear a hat, I like it

'Unbelievable' Song Jihyo, terlahir kembali sebagai gadis berotak seksi ♡

Anggota Running Man dan para tamu yang menghadiri episode terbaru dibagi menjadi 3 tim, tim pengetahuan umum, tim hiburan, tim musik, dan atas saran Yoo Jaesuk, Song Jihyo dipindahkan ke tim pengetahuan umum dari tim musik.
Tanpa disangka, Song Jihyo mampu menjawab quiz dalam sekali coba tanpa melihat buku yang telah disediakan, dan itu membuat semua orang bersorak untuknya.

1. [+373/-8] KerenπŸ‘πŸ»Song Jihyo lucu,,❤️
-> [+17/-3] Sangat lucu
-> [+3/-0] Karena itu Song Jihyo, aku setuju

2. [+311/-7] Song Jihyo melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik hari ini !!!! Aku bangga dan bahagia. . . Sepertinya ace Jihyo yang dulu keluar lagi ♡♡♡

3. [+269/-7] Jihyo yang suka melamun terlahir kembali menjadi gadis berotak seksi γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹ Jihyo sangat cantik

4. [+255/-6] Senang sekali, Jihyo tanpa topi dan saat menjawab kuisnya sangat bagus

5. [+201/-6] Jihyo merasa senang dan anggota Running Man yang lain menganggap Jihyo imut, itu sangat lucu

6. [+197/-6] Gadis berotak seksi Jihyo sangat imut γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹

7. [+178/-7] Jihyo terlihat sangat cantik akhir-akhir ini ... Selain itu dia terlihat pintar sehingga dia terlihat lebih cantik ...

8. [+166/-6] Akhir-akhir ini Jihyo tidak memakai topi, aku menyukainya

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