Taeyeon and Ravi reported to be dating

Original post from: https://m.pann.nate.com/talk/356447491

It's crazy

Photo taken at Taeyeon's house at Christmas

SM Entertainment denied the rumors, saying "Their relationship is just Sunbae-Hoobae who meet to talk about music"


1. [+245/-12] Ravi looks trustworthy... Looking his personality

2. [+228/-198] Taeyeon after only meeting Kangin, Leeteuk, Baekhyun, etc, who have a bad personality, now she finally meets a good person.
-> [+45/-1] No, I'm curious, but you said Baekhyun's personality is bad. Where do you know?
-> [+44/-0] I'm a fan of other groups, but is there an anecdote that can prove Baekhyun has a bad personality?

-> [+31/-4] Leeteuk's personality isn't bad either
-> [+30/-6] How long did Baekhyun have to be cursed by kids like you? Please live properly

3. [+170/-8] It's a combination that I can't imagine, but it fits well ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ In the photo, their height difference makes my heart flutter ...

4. [+126/-1] But I'm more surprised to hear that they have been dating for 1 year, than the fact that they are dating

5. [+87/-104] Rather than Baekhyun, I think Ravi is better

Taeyeon dan Ravi berkencan

Ini gila

Foto diambil di rumah Ravi saat Natal

SM Entertainment membantah rumor tersebut, dengan mengatakan "Hubungan mereka hanya sekedar Sunbae-Hoobae yang bertemu untuk membicarakan musik"


1. [+245/-12] Ravi terlihat bisa dipercaya... Melihat pribadinya

2. [+228/-198] Taeyeon setelah hanya bertemu Kangin, Leeteuk, Baekhyun, dll, yang memiliki kepribadian buruk, sekarang akhirnya dia bertemu dengan orang yang baik.
-> [+45/-1] Tidak, aku penasaran, tapi kamu bilang kepribadian Baekhyun buruk. Darimana kamu tahu?
-> [+44/-0] Aku adalah penggemar grup lain, tetapi apakah ada anekdot yang dapat membuktikan bahwa Baekhyun memiliki kepribadian yang buruk?

-> [+31/-4] Personalitynya Leeteuk juga tidak buruk
-> [+30/-6] Berapa lama Baekhyun harus dikutuk oleh anak-anak sepertimu? Harap hidup dengan baik

3. [+170/-8] Ini kombinasi yang tidak bisa kubayangkan, tapi sangat cocok ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Di foto, perbedaan tinggi badan mereka membuat hatiku berdebar...

4. [+126/-1] Tapi aku lebih terkejut mendengar bahwa mereka telah berpacaran selama 1 tahun, daripada fakta bahwa mereka berpacaran

5. [+87/-104] Dibanding Baekhyun, menurutku Ravi lebih baik

너무 너무 좋아요


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