The reason why Girls Generation's career cannot be doubted

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No. 1 annually in 2009

Overall ranks first in the 2000s

2009, 2010, 2011 Daesang

Ranked 1st in total sales in 2010

Ranked #1 in digital single sales in 2011

The only girl group ever to win Album of the Year

Popularity ranking

Artist of the Year 2009-2011 (The only singer among all singers for 10 consecutive years, Gallup Top 5)

#1 among idols after PSY in 2013 YouTube MV views

YouTube Music Awards 'MV of the Year'

Recorded until 2017 is the most popular among idols
The only idol group that entered the advertisement favorability ranking


In short, artist, song, album, YouTube all took first place and won the Daesang. They are one of the singers who have done that


1. Anyone still have doubts about Soshi's career? ㅋ Are they crazy?

2. Where else is there group that so strong until 14 years even after their heyday has passed.

3. To be honest, isn't Soshi like a king ... They were really very successful in that era

4. Soshi is also popular with the elderly ... My father knows all their names just by looking at their face;

5. I'm not a fan of Soshi, but I don't understand why their career is being doubted

6. How can you doubt Soshi's career ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Soshi is a legend

7. Those who doubt Soshi's career, are they stupid? ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

8. Even the level of popularity each member is high, the only group that my parents know each member

Alasan kenapa karir Girls Generation tidak bisa diragukan lagi

No. 1 di seluruh tahun 2009

Secara keseluruhan menempati urutan pertama di tahun 2000-an

2009, 2010, 2011 Daesang

Peringkat pertama dalam total penjualan tahun 2010

Peringkat # 1 dalam penjualan digital single pada tahun 2011

Satu-satunya grup wanita yang pernah memenangkan Album of the Year

Peringkat popularitas

Artist of the Year 2009-2011 (Satu-satunya penyanyi di antara semua penyanyi selama 10 tahun berturut-turut, Gallup Top 5)

#1 di antara idol setelah PSY pada penayangan MV YouTube 2013

'MV of the Year' di Penghargaan Musik YouTube

Didata hingga 2017 dan paling populer di kalangan idol lain

Satu-satunya grup idol yang masuk dalam peringkat iklan favorite


Singkatnya, artis, lagu, album, YouTube semua menempati posisi pertama dan memenangkan Daesang. Mereka adalah salah satu penyanyi yang pernah melakukannya


1. Adakah yang masih meragukan karir Soshi? ㅋ Apakah mereka gila?

2. Di mana lagi ada grup yang begitu kuat hingga 14 tahun bahkan setelah masa kejayaannya berlalu.

3. Sejujurnya, bukankah Soshi seperti seorang raja... Mereka benar-benar sukses di era itu

4. Soshi juga populer di kalangan orang tua ... Ayahku tahu semua nama mereka hanya dengan melihat wajah mereka

5. Aku bukan penggemar Soshi, tapi aku tidak mengerti mengapa karir mereka diragukan

6. Bagaimana kalian bisa meragukan karir Soshi ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Soshi adalah legend

7. Mereka yang meragukan karir Soshi, apakah mereka bodoh? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. Bahkan tingkat popularitas setiap membernya tinggi, satu-satunya grup yang orang tuaku kenal setiap membernya

너무 너무 좋아요


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