Knetz is disappointed with Miyeon's teaser photo

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Teaser of (G)-IDLE Miyeon, I knew that a small agency would be like this

Is this real? Is this the best photo?

Miyeon usually


1. [+107/-4] I really don't understand. How can the result be like that?

2. [+100/-4] Cube, you guys really.... Sigh

3. [+70/-0] As for other problems I endure it, but this one can't be tolerated, sh*t

4. [+43/-0] On Amazing Saturday... I prefer you guys to use this

5. [+34/-0] You should take a picture of her from the side and focus on the bridge of her nose... And you should take a close-up shot that is symmetrical. Why is the photo just like that?

6. [+33/-52] When I saw Miyeon, I thought that agency was important. If Miyeon debuted in aespa replacing Karina, even though she would not be Irene's class, she would at least be Joy's class. So I think the agency is important to see with such a pretty face, she just treated to this extent.

7. [+26/-0] Miyeon yesterday... the more I looked at her photo, the more I didn't like her teaser concept.

8. [+15/-0] Even if she only put on a little makeup, Miyeon's beauty will definitely shine through, but it's really...

Knetz kecewa dengan foto teaser Miyeon

Teaser (G)-IDLE Miyeon, sudah kuduga agensi kecil akan seperti ini

Apakah ini nyata? Apakah ini foto terbaik?


1. [+107/-4] Aku benar-benar tidak mengerti. Bagaimana hasilnya bisa seperti itu?

2. [+100/-4] Cube, kalian benar-benar.... Hah

3. [+70/-0] Masalah lain aku bisa menahannya, tapi yang ini tidak bisa ditoleransi, sial

4. [+43/-0] Di Amazing Saturday... Aku lebih suka kalian menggunakan ini

5. [+34/-0] Kalian seharusnya memotretnya dari samping dan fokus pada pangkal hidungnya... Dan kalian seharusnya mengambil foto close-up yang simetris. Kenapa fotonya hanya seperti itu?

6. [+33/-52] Ketika aku melihat Miyeon, aku pikir agensi itu penting. Jika Miyeon memulai debutnya dengan aespa menggantikan Karina, meskipun dia bukan sekelas Irene, setidaknya dia akan menjadi sekelas Joy. Jadi menurutku agensi itu penting melihat dengan wajah yang cantik, dia hanya diperlakukan sejauh ini.

7. [+26/-0] Miyeon kemarin... semakin aku melihat fotonya, semakin aku tidak menyukai konsep teasernya.

8. [+15/-0] Meskipun dia hanya merias wajah sedikit, kecantikan Miyeon pasti akan bersinar, tapi itu benar-benar...

너무 너무 좋아요


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