"I'm sulking!" Song Jihyo, referring to HaHa's speech who forgot to mention Jihyo's name
Original post from SBS Naver TV: https://m.tv.naver.com/v/17665438

HaHa forgot to mention Jihyo's name at the time of receiving the award, he explained that because at the time he gave his speech, he didn't see Song Jihyo with the other members because Song Jihyo was getting ready to present awards for other artists on backstage. HaHa told Song Jihyo to say that she was okay with that problem, because HaHa received a lot of questions from his social media. However, Song Jihyo teased HaHa by saying that he was upset about it.
1. [+679/-11] Forever for Mapo siblings ㅠㅠ
2. [+551/-13] Song Jihyo in real life is really prettier
3. [+411/-8] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Mapo siblings, I like their chemistry~♥
4. [+349/-8] HaHa congratulations for the award ㅜㅠ Finally, after 10 years TT
5. [+338/-15] She was prettier than the other guests even without any makeup.
6. [+268/-8] HaHa and Jihyo, both of you fighting~ㅋㅋㅋ💪💪💪
7. [+151/-4] Congratulations for our HaHa!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
8. [+80/-7] Wow, it's crazy, why is Jihyo so pretty like this ㅜㅜㅜ Her face was shining
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"Aku kesal!" Song Jihyo, mengacu pada pidato HaHa yang lupa menyebut nama Jihyo
HaHa lupa menyebutkan nama Jihyo pada saat menerima penghargaan, ia menjelaskan karena pada saat memberikan pidatonya, ia tidak melihat Song Jihyo bersama anggota lainnya karena Song Jihyo sedang bersiap-siap mempersembahkan penghargaan untuk artis lain di belakang panggung. HaHa menyuruh Song Jihyo untuk mengatakan bahwa dia baik-baik saja dengan masalah itu, karena HaHa mendapat banyak pertanyaan dari media sosialnya. Namun, Song Jihyo menggoda HaHa dengan mengatakan bahwa dia kesal.
1. [+679/-11] Selamanya untuk Mapo bersaudara ㅠㅠ
2. [+551/-13] Song Jihyo di kehidupan nyata sangat cantik
3. [+411/-8] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Saudara Mapo, aku suka chemistry mereka~♥
4. [+349/-8] HaHa selamat atas penghargaannya ㅜㅠ Akhirnya, setelah 10 tahun TT
5. [+338/-15] Dia lebih cantik dari tamu lain meski tanpa riasan.
6. [+268/-8] HaHa dan Jihyo, kalian berdua semangat~ ㅋㅋㅋ💪💪💪
7. [+151/-4] Selamat untuk HaHa kami !! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
8. [+80/-7] Wah, gila kok Jihyo secantik ini ㅜㅜㅜ Wajahnya bersinar
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