Backhug from Winter Garden❤ Watching movies together to consulting each other is all done by Yoo Yeonseok X Shin Hyunbin


1. [+113/-1] They both look alike and have a similar image
-> [+16/-0] Right, both actors are a bit mature? They have such a warm feeling, so it's more like a winter garden :)

2. [+95/-0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're hugging each other openly in front of the emergency room door, but that's nothing to gossip about ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+85/-1] In season 2, I think it will be expressed in the way that Jeongwon likes Winter more~ Just looking at the first episode, I think he likes her a lot~ Smile on the bed (really happy smile), back hug, warm water, watching a movie, it's like giving them all night together~ ㅋ Winter Garden Happy~ Forever! 💕

4. [+80/-1] It's a secret relationship, but at the hospital entrance, they backhug. Is this a secret relationship or an open relationship? ㅋㅋ

5. [+77/-1] Kyaa back hug ㅠㅠ Let's go, I'm hungry 흐흐흐 Yoo Yeonseok has a great voice. Ahn Jeongwon is so sweet ㅠㅠ

6. [+70/-0] Gyeoul who likes to eat, now Jeongwon always pays attention when she eats ㅠㅠㅠ

7. [+69/-0] No, it's not me who is in a relationship with him, but why am I feeling happy and pounding🤦🏻‍♀️ It's not me who is being hugged, but my heart is beating faster

Backhug dari Winter Garden❤ Menonton film bersama hingga saling berkonsultasi semuanya dilakukan oleh Yoo Yeonseok X Shin Hyunbin

1. [+113/-1] Mereka berdua terlihat mirip dan memiliki image yang mirip
-> [+16/-0] Benar, kedua aktor itu agak dewasa? Mereka memiliki perasaan yang hangat, jadi lebih cocok dengan julukan Winter Garden :)

2. [+95/-0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Mereka saling berpelukan secara terbuka di depan pintu ruang gawat darurat, tapi tidak ada yang perlu digosipkan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+85/-1] Di season 2, aku pikir itu akan diekspresikan dengan cara bahwa Jeongwon lebih menyukai Gyeoul~ Hanya menonton episode pertama, aku pikir dia sangat menyukainya~ Senyum di tempat tidur (sangat senang tersenyum), backhug, air hangat, menonton film, ini seperti memberi mereka sepanjang malam bersama~ ㅋ Winter Garden Happy~ Forever! 💕

4. [+80/-1] Ini adalah hubungan rahasia, tapi di pintu masuk rumah sakit, mereka berpelukan. Apakah ini hubungan rahasia atau hubungan terbuka? ㅋㅋ

5. [+77/-1] Kyaa backhug ㅠㅠ Ayo pergi, aku lapar 흐흐흐 Yoo Yeonseok memiliki suara yang bagus. Ahn Jeongwon sangat manis ㅠㅠ

6. [+70/-0] Gyeoul yang suka makan, sekarang Jeongwon selalu memperhatikan saat dia makan

7. [+69/-0] Tidak, bukan aku yang menjalin hubungan dengannya, tapi kenapa aku merasa senang dan berdebar-debar🤦🏻‍♀️ Bukan aku yang dipeluk, tapi jantungku berdetak lebih cepat

너무 너무 좋아요


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