
Showing posts with the label #kpop

Knetz are still concerned about Irene's attitude

Original post from: It's really creepy, I honestly thought it was just a rumor, but in the same video, Joy, Yeri, and Wendy, can't say anything and just confused. When I looked back at Irene, I saw that she walked straight to the center spot, I guess her attitude was always like that. [+1236/-105] 1. [+774/-15] Since long ago there have been many things like this, GIFs that make us wonder why she's acting like that, but Irene fans always say that it was only edited by haters 2. [+442/-10] Even since then, her fans seemed tired to give Irene Shield. 3. [+312/-6] At that time she also took Joy's microphone and pretended that they were both looking for a microphone, then she came to Joy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was really surprised to see that. I think their relationship is not good 4. [+164/-9] When my mom saw Irene on Knowing Brothers, my mom once said that her facial expression is thick ㅋㅋ So far we've only said she's pretty, but of cours

About Winter's casting

Original post from: She was casted because of her dancing when she attend the dance festival, but after her vocal being trained by Yoo Youngjin, she became good and had a voice that similar to him as if she were his daughter [+59/-19] 1. Her teaser video doesn't show her skills, so I don't know how talented she is, but it turns out she's good at singing, dancing and has pretty visuals too. 2. She tricked us 3. That means his son is D.O and his daughter is Winter? 4. When she sang 'Yours' it was amazing Tentang castingnya Winter Dia dicasting karena tariannya saat dia menghadiri festival tari, tetapi setelah vokalnya dilatih oleh Yoo Youngjin, dia menjadi bagus dan memiliki suara yang mirip dengannya seolah-olah dia adalah putrinya. [+59/-19] 1. Video teasernya tidak menunjukkan kemampuannya, jadi aku tidak tahu seberapa berbakatnya dia, tapi ternyata dia pandai menyanyi, menari dan memiliki visual yang cantik juga. 2. Dia menip

Karina's photo that make me surprise

Original post from: How can humans look like this? She look more like AI than AI itself Comments: 1. Wow looks like a picture 2. True, this isn't a bad comment, but she's really fits with aespa concept 3. If you guys say this is a model of AI Karina, I will believe it... It's true that it looks more like AI than AI itself... 4. Look at her nose, it really looks like it was carved 5. I was really surprised that she actually have the AI vibe here... It's pretty 6. Wow, but it really looks like AI 7. Her nose is really amazing Foto Karina yang membuatku terkejut Bagaimana bisa manusia terlihat seperti ini? Dia lebih mirip AI daripada AI itu sendiri Komentar: 1. Wow seperti lukisan 2. Benar, ini bukan komentar yang buruk, tapi dia sangat cocok dengan konsep aespa 3. Jika kalian mengatakan ini adalah model AI Karina, aku akan percaya... Memang benar itu lebih mirip AI daripada AI itu sendiri... 4. Lihatlah hidungnya, bena

Taeyeon gave Key a flower gift

Original post from: Did she give him that gift while filming Amazing Saturday?! Comments: 1. Taeyeon is so sweet 2. Pretty 3. Looks like she gave it to Amazing Saturday family 4. Kim sweety.. 5. Ah it's beautiful, Kibum and Taengoo, I like both of them 6. The handwritten letter is sweet ㅠㅠ 7. Taengoo is such a sweet woman Taeyeon memberikan Key hadiah bunga Apakah dia memberinya hadiah itu saat syuting Amazing Saturday?! Komentar: 1. Taeyeon sangat manis 2. Cantik 3. Sepertinya dia memberikannya untuk keluarga Amazing Saturday 4. Kim manis.. 5. Ah cantik sekali, Kibum dan Taengoo, aku suka keduanya 6. Surat tulisan tangannya manis ㅠㅠ 7. Taengoo adalah wanita yang manis 너무 너무 좋아요

The legendary SM concert

Original post from: Taeyeon Jungwoo Joy Taeyong Kai I'm really happy thanks to SM^^ [+1055/-106] 1. [+282/-37] Taeyong's visual that day 2. [+242/-22] Taeyeon and Joy are truly legends, give them a duet 3. [+218/-25] Joy is really amazing 4. [+111/-6] I feel Yuta is really... 5. [+100/-8] No, my heart really flutters when I see SHINee's Back, 2021 SHINee is comeback! 6. [+98/-7] Why Taeyeon is a legend: This camera is a camera that shows pores very clearly, but she survives. With skin that was completely pale and white, Taeyeon was precious 7. [+66/-96] Irene became prettier,really ;; 8. [+59/-3] Taeyeon is so pretty Konser SM Legendaris Aku sangat bahagia berkat SM^^ [+1055/-106] 1. [+282/-37] Visual Taeyong hari itu 2. [+242/-22] Taeyeon dan Joy benar-benar legend, berikan mereka duet 3. [+218/-25] Joy benar-benar luar biasa 4. [+111/-6] Aku merasa Yuta benar-benar... 5. [+100/-8] Tidak, hatiku benar-benar berdebar saat

SM Free Concert Quality

Original post from: Apart from DJing at the end of the concert, I like it [+1320/-85] 1. [+345/-12] I saw Lee Taeyong come out, and I immediately felt like I was given a surprise gift. -> [+43/-0] Honestly, if Taeyong was really going to come out, why did you take him out of the ticket making video? -> [+35/-0] That's right, it feels like I got an unexpected pocket money for the new year 2. [+153/-6] Baekhyun and Jongin are the only ones who don't get a fancy stage. There is no set, no Ment, but as for the other idols, they put CG in a good way, and are they also given rehearsals? Sh*t, if it's going to be like this, SM please just let EXO go -> [+36/-0] Only our idols are given a stage set with normal music show quality ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's even worse than a comeback set on a music show, sh*t, I'm really pissed off today, why are you treating them like this? -> [+7/-0] Why only our idols that don't have a stage set? Ver

Can Yoo Jimin's beauty be the top in the 4th generation?

Original post from: Her vibe is a bit like Jang Wonyoung's, but she looks more sharp and classy [+95/-1004] 1. [+191/-41] Why is Jang Wonyoung always being dragged? Jang Wonyoung was very pretty since elementary school It's photo of Yoo Jimin 2. [+173/-48] What's the top one? ㅋ Even middle rank she can't 3. [+88/-50] Girls in Pann always say Karina's personality is bad, but do you have the right to say that? 4. [+78/-5] But to be honest when it comes to SM's visuals, the first one that comes to mind is Yoona, Sulli, and Irene, they are legends ㅋㅋ Compared to her seniors, she's very different and exaggerated 5. [+72/-10] From the start she was eliminated because of her personality 6. [+66/-8] They said she was pretty, so they tried hard to exaggerate... 7. [+37/-5] Photo of Jang Wonyoung when she was elementary school 8. [+26/-46] So pretty Bisakah kecantikan Yoo Jimin menjadi yang teratas di generasi ke-4? Auranya agak